My name is Chloe and I am the perfect school girl phone sex brat. I know that you older men out there love talking to younger girls like me – especially teachers. Were you a teacher or are you still a teacher? Maybe you have fantasies about that girl in your class you know you’re not supposed to be thinking about. I always had that happen and I always took full advantage of the fact that I knew a teacher wanted me. I could always feel them staring at me and undressing me with their eyes. I knew they wanted to know what my body looked like naked, so I almost always ended up showing it to them. Of course, that came at a price for them. They’d get to see me naked and sometimes even touch me, but that gave me power over them and I used it every day.
Like my Calculus teacher, for example. He was the one I could tell I’d have the most power over. I went to him after class one day and told him that I needed help with improving my grade. Of course, he thought I meant with tutoring or something. He didn’t think he stood a chance with me, so he didn’t even think I meant anything naughty. I told him I wasn’t interested in actually doing any of the work and he asked what I was interested in. And then I told him that this situation was more about what we both wanted, not just me. And that’s when I pulled my t-shirt off. I wasn’t wearing a bra and he immediately reached out to touch one of my tits. I asked if he was going to give me a good grade and he said of course and that he’d do anything I wanted him to. Do you wanna know what happened after that? Call me at 1 888 70 HOT4U and ask for Chloe for school girl phone sex.