Ladies & gentlemen, fanatics & phone sex enthusiasts, welcome to Cherry’s private freak show! What are you waiting for? Step right up, with your cock in hand, & the excitement will commence. Today, I want to tell you about one of my favorite fetishes, strap on fetish phone sex. Before you continue, I want to warn you, everything I do is to the extreme, and this fetish is no different. The other day, I received an invitation to go to the stables. I assumed the invitation was to go riding.

Now, I’ll let you in on a secret, I have always secretly wanted to fuck a man or a woman for that matter at our local stables. I started to think about this particular fantasy on my way over. By the time I arrived, I was fuckably aroused. When I arrived, I was greeted by a man who appeared to be one of the stable-hands. I must admit the stable-hand was very sexy. What I didn’t know was that it was breeding time at the stables, this meant the stables were empty. The studs were out to pasture & there was quite a show being put on in the fields. However, that subject may be a bit to taboo for this story. I’ll continue…The stable hand offered to give me a tour of the stables & the farm. As he took me through the stables, I noticed some leather harnesses. I couldn’t help but to think of my tour guide naked & harnessed. My pussy got even hotter. I also noticed a wide variety of riding crops hanging on the wall. I began thinking of all the things I could do to him. The excitement began to get the best of me. Without even realizing, I spoke aloud. I’d like to fuck you in these stables. The stable-hand looked at me shocked, but smiled. Really? I was surprised at my own bluntness. Well, not really. I mean I am a sexual deviant. Yes, I’d like to fuck you right now. Take your jeans & shirt off! Get down on your hands & knees. He was still shocked, I could see it in his face, but he obliged immediately. I smacked his hot ass hard enough for it to leave a print of my hand on it. It only lasted momentarily, but there would be more to come. I walked over & took a harness & a riding crop off the wall. I walked back over to him & began strapping him into the harness. What are you doing? He asked inquisitively. No more questions. I already told you, I’m going to fuck you! After getting him strapped into the harness, I hooked him to a leash that was tied to a hook in one of the stables. He didn’t seem to mind. His cock was getting harder by the minute. His cock was massive. This stable-hand was quite the stud. It’s not very often that I get to fuck a man with a large cock. Most of the men that I fuck with a strap on are tiny. This was going to be a blast. I made sure the leash was locked into place. There would be no escape. The harness was nice & tight too. I reached into my purse & pulled out my favorite strap-on. Yes, I carry it with me at all times. It’s 10 inches & very thick. That’s when I removed my own top & riding pants & placed my strap on right over my pussy. It’s the kind that has a pocket for a vibrator. Really hot when you’re thrusting & fucking a man into oblivion. I leaned into the stable-hand pressing my own bulge into his ass. As I leaned in, I bit his neck & smacked that hot ass once again. This time even harder. I grabbed him by the hair & pulled tightly. I began to use the riding crop on him. I used that crop on every inch of his body, every place imaginable until his cock was dripping with pre-cum. He was wiggling around trying his best to stay in place. The more he pulled, the tighter his harness got. Now the only question that remained, I asked myself, which should I fuck first, that hot mouth or that perfect ass. Strap on fetish phone sex drives me wild & the freakier the better! After all, I am Cherry and I am all things bizarre, hot, deviant, erotic, and exquisitely taboo. What can I say, I’m a freak!
1 888 70 HOT4U and ask for Cherry
Yahoo: superfreakcherry